
(Comments from Participants of Seminars, Workshops & Courses)

Organization and Agency Participants>>>

Rob Laidlaw - Associate Pastor Ness Ave. Baptist Church, Winnipeg, MB.
"Thanks so much for presenting this seminar. The people here found it a very valuable experience...I've heard only positive feedback."

Dr. Brian Brglz - Senior Pastor The Bridge Church (CMA) - Winnipeg

"I want to thank you sincerely for the World of Addictions seminar you presented in our church. Many were thoroughly impressed with both the content of the seminar and your clear presentation of the material."

 Valerie - (The Bridge Church - CMA, Winnipeg)
"Larry Larson has a wonderful grasp of the power and destruction of addictions. As someone who is struggling with an addiction, I feel qualified to make this overview."

Peter and Margaret - (Bethlehem Aboriginal Fellowship, Winnipeg)
"We found the seminar very informative and it inspired hope in us that addictions can be conquered."

Lisa - RN, Addictions (Calvary Temple, Winnipeg)
"What I gained from this seminar is practical knowledge in a user friendly package."

Pastor Bruce Martin - (Calvary Temple, Winnipeg)
"What an encouragement for me as a pastor to see people so encouraged by your input this past Saturday. Larry you struck a cord in the heart of these folk who so desperately want to help their loved ones. Your personal testimony, clinical knowledge and spiritual passion came through powerfully. Thank you once again."

Ian Croatto - Dean of Men (Teen Challenge - Central Canada, Winnipeg)
"Thanks for taking the time to minister to the men at the centre. Your experience and knowledge, coupled with your gentle spirit, provided an environment where the men could interact and receive a word from God."

Oral Kiffiak - (Counselling Services - Providence College & Seminary)
"I really enjoyed the 21 hour course I attended. I have already begun to incorporate some of the material in my client's lives."

 David Aalhus - (PACCC Member - Manitoba)
"I appreciated the theological and psychological integrity of the materials presented in this course. It has offered a framework within which the problems of guilt and shame may be conceptualized and addressed in therapeutic practice."

Carolee Neufeld - (Living Free Ministries – Winnipeg, MB)
“Larry, it was an excellent training.  You dug deep into all the aspects of addiction and recovery.  I learned so much to integrate into my ministry.  I was thankful for your thoroughly biblical perspective.  Thanks!”

Pat (Peer Supervisor) NavCanada
"Larry is a professional when making work place presentations. He clearly understood our learning needs. Peers were able to reflect on their own life experiences and apply their experiences in supporting others. We will welcome Larry back to our work site to provide education to our team again."


Some of the Agencies and Organizations That Have Recently Benefited From These Courses

Winnipeg Fire and Paramedic Services

Siloam Mission Winnipeg

WA-SAY Healing Centre

Onashowewin Inc.

Professional Association of Christian Counsellors and Psychotherapists (PACCP)

Nav Canada Winnipeg

Garden Hill First Nation

St Theresa Point First Nation

Addictions Solutions

On-Site Training!

Appointment Times:

Weekdays 8 AM to 5 PM

Saturdays 9 AM to 12 Noon

Quote of the Month


"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that  we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. You playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."  Movie - "Coach Carter" (2005)


We are still receiving in-person sessions. Please be assured our facility is up-to-date on deep cleaning protocols and social distancing. However we do offer virtual sessions through SKYPE or telephone therapy. We would love to hear from you!. You may call 204-202-8144 in order to inquire about the process.

"It always seems impossible until its done!" -Nelson Mandela-
"Courage is the decision that something is more important than fear!"

     Professional Affiliation