One of the ways to understand addictions is to be aware of our own “soft addiction” tendencies.
Judith Wright in her book “Letting Go: Taming Your Soft Addictions” says:“Soft addictions are those seemingly harmless habits like watching too much television, over shopping, surfing the internet, gossiping – the things we overdo but we don’t realize it. It seems like normal behaviour but that’s because everyone is doing it. Often people think they are relating to each other but are merely just sharing a soft addiction”
Soft addictions can be described as mindless habits that may help us deal with the stress of life but get in the way of relationships.
A ‘Soft Addiction’ often becomes the substitute for what we really hunger for but are unable to achieve. We hunger for belonging through authentic relationships, and we hunger for competence through meaningful achievement and affirmation – but we are easily distracted by the ‘brilliant’ substitute of working, television, eating, sports, dependency on others, etc..
We all know how difficult it is for us to change our own habits. Multiply this by a few hundred and you may have an idea about the difficulty of tackling a “hard addiction.”
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